Our story...
1996 - the start
Our parent company, Track Right, was founded in 1996. We started as a travelling show unit visiting all the major shows.
2003 - Our First shop
After a good few years on the show circuit, we settled down with our first shop in Burgess Hill, West Sussex.
2008 - Expanding
After the success of our first shop in Burgess Hill, we move to our current location, an ex car showroom, in Bolney, West Sussex.
2014 - Starting with embroidery
We begin our embroidery journey with a single embroidery machine.
2018 - More Machines
With the huge success of our initial embroidery offering, we decide it's time to expand. We double our embroidery capacity and add vinyl printing & engraving to what we do.
2021 - Equine Designs Launch
After a successful 3 years of growth, we decide it's time to bring our expertise online. Equine Designs launches in September of 2021.